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Here you will find thoughts and comments on God, His Word, Life and other such things. My prayer is that perhaps you will find something that will add a little bit of light to your path.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Over the years I've been asked many questions. Some are very serious asking for doctrinal understanding while others are about church polity. That said, there are some questions that come up much more frequently than others so today I decided I'd put down some of the more interesting ones and give a little feedback on them. My hope is that these might add some light to your path.

Should worship be used as an outreach? That question is very simple to answer biblically. Short answer NO! Worship is ONLY for the people of God who have been redeemed. The Bible says in Proverbs 15:8 and 21:27 that "the sacrifice of the wicked are detestable to the Lord." See also Amos 5:21-22. Since that is the case, unbelievers singing and clapping in their state of hostility against God is offensive to Him. Perhaps this is why all the flyers I see coming out this time of the year to visit churches say they have "great music." It is very sad that church leadership does not understand the purpose of worship and keep it undefiled.

Should a church be inwardly or outwardly focused? The purpose of a church is to mature the saints. The church is to devote itself to the "apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer." The church is to be led by elders who give an account for your soul before God. Their job is to equip you for your work of ministry to that local body. That means, by design, that the church is to focus it's gatherings on maturing people in Christ through the teaching of the word. That is an inward focus. However, you might be surprised at God's evangelism and outreach plan. They are not formal "ministries" within the church but everyone's responsibility. Matthew 28:19 simply says "as you are going make disciples". So the church gathering is inward and the lives of the membership, as they live their life, is outward. There is nothing necessarily wrong with an "outreach ministry' but you have to understand in a church of say 300 people it is much more effective to have the 300 reaching out where they work, in their families, to their friends and where they go to school over having 20 people in one place for an event. The idea that a church has an outreach ministry generally ensures the people not involved do not feel they have an obligation to do those things.

Should churches partner together? This question has a couple points to consider. When you, as an individual or we as a church, partner with another church we are making a statement. We are saying that we are in full support of what the other church does and teaches. This is why musicians need to be very careful when they play in other churches. While they may see it as only as "helping out" they are depriving members of that church from serving, giving their stamp of approval on what is done and taught and depriving their own local body, of which they are a part, of their service to it. It is perfectly fine to help out in a time of need but each person must recognize that the Lord placed them in a local body for a reason. So, if I can recommend someone joining that church then I am happy to work with them in gospel related endeavors.

How do you know if a church is loving? This question needs a sanctified mind in order to understand. In our "love wins" culture, people believe that love is simply giving people what they want. They see love as random acts of kindness thinking that Jesus' entire ministry was one big loaves and fishes, felt needs extravaganza. The Bible defines what love looks is in 1 John 5:2-3
"By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments." Notice carefully that loving the brothers is defined by the Holy Spirit as "obeying God" and the same is true for loving God, "obeying His commandments." That means that if you see a desire in a body of people to obey the Lord then you have genuine love there. That is the root and the fruit is not far behind. Unfortunately we do not think biblically so we see anyone who challenges us, or tells us we should obey, as unloving.

Is it okay to do church online? No! Online sermons are not church. Please read my article about the church on this page. The reasons God wants you to be in a local body are numerous. He calls you to use your gifts to build up a local body. He calls you to gather with people to disciple them. He calls you to gather with people to be taught together. He calls you to gather together with people to worship and demonstrate the tangible presence of the Lord in His church. Church is not a theatre where you watch, observe and judge what takes place. Church is a place where you grow in a body of believers, led by elders, to be holy and help others do the same.

The authority in the church lies in its membership which is why, in the case of unrepentant sin, it is the church who is to "remove that person from among you." God desires a gathering of set apart, holiness-pursuing people, growing people, who serve each other in such a way that God gets the glory. This is why small group Bible studies are not churches. The Bible commands us all not to "forsake the assembling of ourselves together" Hebrews 10:25. Small groups and fellowship do not fulfil that verse. Don't say "God knows my heart and intentions but I don't want to do it." God is not interested in our intentions but in our compliance. Remember Uzzah (2 Samuel 6:1-7) who reached out to stop the ark from falling off the cart? God struck him dead for his disobedience. I'm sure Uzzah's intentions were honorable but God wanted obedience. We live in the days spoken of by Paul where the love of many waxes cold and of a great deception. Part of the deception today is the idea "my relationship with God is personal and not corporate." The love of many waxing cold is simply defined as people saying they are believers who have no desire to obey. Don't succeed in Christian friendships and fail in Christian fellowship. Friendships have to do with partiality while fellowship has to do with truth.

Do you think some churches are better than others? Absolutely! What makes a church better is not the music, coffee or programs. What makes a church better is its commitment to faithfully teach the Bible. That sounds simple but it is not. Many churches will not teach the Bible because they do not wish to pay the cost. They use the Bible to teach man-centered theology so people will continue to come. Remember that what you use to attract people is what you have to keep using to retain them.

The church where I am currently serving is what I consider a very good church. It is certainly not because I pastor there but because the word of God is loved there. Teaching the truth of the word of God comes with a lot of attacks, both spiritual as well as literal, from people who do not like it. I do not mean people specifically in the church I serve. I am referring to people who say they are believers who aren't in the church. I believe this is because the Holy Spirit is convicting them that they need to change their way of living so they shoot at the messenger. The pressure to comply with what is popular is often quite intense and the hateful things people say can often be very discouraging.

My brother once told me to go and read all the horrible things people said on YELP about John MacArthur. I did so and was shocked but kind of encouraged at the same time. Truth cost the prophets, apostles, Jesus, and many since then, their lives. We should not expect differently when we teach it. Jesus said "beware when all men speak well of you."

As a leader I am used to the attacks but this week I have been praying for the beloved people of CBC (my home church) as I recognize that even being a member here exposes them to public ridicule. It is for that reason that they have a special place in my heart. Jesus says He is not ashamed of those who are not ashamed of Him. Where people hold to truth and seek to obey it you can rest assured Jesus is in their midst. He is doing a great work in our church and the people see it and are on board with it. Our church is not for everyone but if you want to grow, prepare yourself to stand before Jesus and take His word seriously then I recommend it highly.

Wherever you are located find yourself a solid church. Roll your sleeves up and get involved. Jump in with both feet. Don't complain but be part of the solution. If you want to leave a good church.... reconsider. There are not many good reasons to leave a church other than false teaching or toleration of sin. If you don't like the coffee buy some good stuff and donate it. Unless you move a lot you should only have a few churches over your entire life. This is because God wants us to grow together generation after generation. The very people you are having problems with God put in your life to teach you how to love those who are different than you. Your church is your family, whom God picked, so remember that He knows a lot more about this than you do.

If I can help in finding you a good church or you have questions please email or call me at the church. The phone number is 858-549-7729 and my email is scott.lowther@sandiegocbc.org


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